There is a tendency to feel alone and isolated in Vendetta Online. The universe is absolutely huge and the player base is absolutely small. Sharing location data is the best way to know where everyone else is at. With Skynet2 this functionality is brought to the masses in open source format. Now you can scout a path for your transports and not have to type a message every time you see someone. Pirates and nationalists will enjoy the seamless ability to call their comrades to arms without touching a single key, as Skynet2 alerts alliance members to the pilot you found in REAL TIME!
When Skynet2 is finally launched. A script will be executed that will begin merging the original Flyboy database into the Skynet2 asteroid database. Originally, Flyboy's database was comprised of the TGFT database, the ONE dtabase and the Asteroid Project database and then enhanced with scans from members of ITO. This is the largest database of asteroids known to exist. The database contains ore percentages for asteroids and their locations (sector). Development continues on the UI for this database in the plugin as tough decision about time and skill are made so that something reasonable can be provided and maintained.
Currently working nicely in the development code, Skynet2 provides a private text chat to each alliance and also to the lobby. No censorship from pesky developers or concerns about your questionable conversations. With Skynet2 you can chat with your alliance or in the lobby with no restrictions.
An "alliance" is a much more abstract concept. It can stretch across multiple guilds and/or contain individual members of different guilds. Your alliance can be a secret alliance or publically advertised. Now the agenda of you and your friends can all be tied together despite the guilds you have membership in on your individual characters. Likewise, each individual character can be in a separate alliance. Use the same Skynet2 registration across multiple characters or create a new registration for each character. Each registered username/password combo can be in one alliance.
You can be part of this project! If you have knowledge of Perl programming language used to write the server or lua programing language used to write the client then your help is greatly needed. This project is large and implements 3 programming languages currently with plans to implement more. Using Perl, SQL, and lua with plans to implement a web interface as well. The web interface will without a doubt use HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL and related technologies. Also much help is needed with UI/UX development in the client using lua. There is so much work to be done and only one person is doing it all. So if you want to contribute, please reach out and mention what part of the project you would like to contribute too or take over. You can influence or change the goals of the project by being a real contributor.